Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Planning for Semester 1

Dear Friends,

I hope you have had a great break and are already looking forward to getting back to UWS Bankstown.

We are looking forward to a great year at CBM and want to let you know what we have planned so far and get your input and ideas to make sure we hit the ground running.

We are having a planning and prayer meeting at Padstow (Richard's place) on Wednesday 8th Feb from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. We would love you to join us to be a part of planning and praying for CBM for 2012. Please let us know if you can come along and we'll let you know the address. (We'll finish with lunch, so it will also help for catering if we can know you are coming.)
in Christ

Richard & Tim

1 comment:

  1. Dear man of God, Beloved Richard and Tim, Holy Greetings to you in The Most Holy Name of The Lord Jesus Christ.

    I have Read your Writings ,they are wonderful.

    I am a Pastor From India.

    If it is God's will, Please pray for me and for our ministries.

    Dear Richard,If it is God's will and if it is your will, Please Try to Expand your Ministries to India.

    I and we pray for you.

    Dear holy man of God, If it is God's will and if it is your will, Please send me an E.mail so that I can tell you about Our Ministries In India.

    Dear man of God, I and we pray to God That HE may Bless you Richly and Greatly.

    My E.mail is csimray@gmail.com
